Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Breaking up is like Losing a Toe"

I spent two years of my life in a wasted relationship. I hope my ex-boyfriend never reads that because it's mean. But it's true. Two years of wasted invested time, emotions and money. Yes, boyfriends are generally expensive. And if you add up all the money you spend on one for roughly two years, it's a lot of money. And you could have bought yourself something pretty with it.

I've been in another relationship for seven months now. People who know me think I've undergone a brain transplant. They say I'm another person with this one. I know I'm another person with this guy. But I never had brain surgery.

There are two types of relationships. For me at least. I could be emotionally attached or detached. Of course the former relationship was the detached one and the latter was the attached. I realized that either way, it ends, it's sad, you feel like you lost a toe. But maybe being attached, I could feel something more. And then it wouldn't be wasted. That's what my brain underwent seven months ago.


Mony The Angel said...

i'm the "a non-existent audience" :))

ojg said...
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ojg said...

They are AWFULLY EX-pensive,, specially EXs ;)

wish you a long happy life with your present bf :D