Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Monday, October 29, 2007

She said, "baby, it's 3 AM I must be lonely"

It's 5 AM (it was 3 AM when I wanted to write this). I'm unreasonably cold. I can tell my face is pale as shit (oh, the irony). My stomach is upset because of the ridiculous amount of coffee and junk inside it. I hit a brick wall three hours ago, and there's nothing I can do.

I have a project due in about 11 hours. I know how to finish it, but it just requires more brain power than I have right now. I just woke up. I slept on the uncomfortable green floor of the lab for a little over an hour. I feel like I'm still asleep. But somehow I have to find the energy to keep my eyes open long enough to compute the classification error of my neural network using a test set AND write a report about it. It's fucking hilarious.

It's 5 AM. I've been here since 10 AM yesterday. That's 19 hours. I probably won't leave here till tomorrow by 9 PM. That's 35 hours. I'm going to have spent 35 continuous hours on campus. So far I've only slept one hour. I don't know if I'm going to sleep more. All I can think of right now is sleep. And toothpaste.

The worst thing is that I have a meeting tomorrow. And not just any meeting, this is my first ever team meeting with my Projects members. I still need to create my content. I still need to figure out how I'm going to feel alive then. I still need to figure out how I'm going to make this project work. But leave AIESEC aside for now, I hate how it always just has to come up.

I wish Hany was here. I wish I could call him right now and wake him up and cry because I don't know how in the world I'm going get through the day. I wish he could comfort me and make me laugh. I wish he was here.

It's 5:40 AM.

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