Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

For Blue Skies

How many times does history have to repeat itself before I start learning from my mistakes. It's simple: don't call Hany from your cell so much or your dad will see the phone bill shoot up, and he will make your life miserable. So why do I keep forgetting that? Why do I keep on calling? And why do I have seven million Waseem songs that vary in theme from sad to angry to nostalgic. Each one marking a different time and a different stage in our relationship. I've been stuck in this Waseem loop for years and I can't get past it and I can't get over it.

Maybe that's why I want so badly to leave this summer. So I can feel something new. It's only just dawning on me that my life really has become a boring pop song and everyone else is singing along. And Microsoft and Google never replied.

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