Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

23 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

  1. Backpack through Europe
  2. Go to Australia
  3. Go surfing
  4. Learn a new language
  5. Be a mom
  6. Have really long hair
  7. Go on a road trip through Egypt
  8. Climb St. Catherine
  9. Work for Google
  10. Write a novel
  11. Play an instrument
  12. Go into a sex shop
  13. Visit 100 countries
  14. Live alone
  15. Go on hig
  16. Camp in the desert
  17. Take self-defense classes
  18. Go swimming in the ocean at night
  19. Go to a strip club
  20. Audition for reality show
  21. Go to the movies four times in a row
  22. Live in another country
  23. Meet Nawal El Saadawi


amal said...

what's your email, i want to forward somthing to u that might just tick one of those off..then u'll be left with 22 things to do :)

send it over fb or smthng

amal enan

Brahms said...

Nawal elsa3dawy? why?

whatever makes u happy.

count me in with ya in:

4, 7, 10, 13, 20, 21:)

lucky me i have done some of these stuffs b4:)