Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Adeya Ra2y 3am

No one reads my blogs. I know that for a fact, because my life isn't all that interesting to read about. And it's okay, I like the fact that I write to a non-existent audience. It eliminates the possibility of "stage fright" while I'm writing.

My best friend Passant Rabie (full name included so that one day when she googles it, she'll see this) is having the hardest time writing her first column for Caravan, our university's biweekly newspaper. Passant Rabie is one of the most opinionated and eloquent people I know. But today, she's written two half-columns and she "doesn't know where to go from there."

I on the other hand, probably don't know where to go from here either, but I'm just going to ramble on for the sake of rambling on. I'm making grammatical mistakes as I go along and I don't even care. But if I was writing something to be distributed to a couple of thousand AUCians I don't know, I'd be getting stage fright too. I was just saying before that I don't care what people think about me. I think I lied. Because I just realized that I probably would care if people thought my writing sucked. Or that what I write about is bullshit. But then I don't care at all what people would think of me going out in my pyjamas. I'd explain this, but I don't think I can.


Souky said...

I really like your blog ^_^ !!!

Anonymous said...

I did google my name and I found it in your blog! Awww, I'm so honoured to be in it and that you called me opinionated and eloquent!
I actually just fnished writing my third column and I have to say that it gets easier every time. My first one took me a day and a half but my third one only took half an hour because I was no longer afraid of what people thought of me, I just wanted to get my opinion out there and actually piss some people off because that's what opinions are all about..rubbing people the wrong way