Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I started learning French about a year ago. But ever since I stopped taking the courses and stopped practicing, it's started to slip away. I started writing when I was maybe fourteen and I'm worried the lack of practice is making it fall down the same drain. My friend today told me that she has made it a goal to write a blog entry everyday as a way to keep writing. So here goes. Yara Mansour, you are my inspiration.

I just clicked "i-n-s-p-i-r-a-t-i-o-n-period-enter-enter" and now my mind is drawing a blank. Of course. What is there to write about really? I feel like I have the most mundane of lives and, recently, the most mundane of writing styles. Yes, I am known to be someone who is hard on herself. I am having blog-stage fright thinking what if Yara tries to Google her name and sees my miserable attempt at writing? I know I would write better if I wasn't going to publish this online for people who know me to (possibly) read and judge me on, but that is a fear I am going to work hard to get over. Maybe it'll even help me write a short story about relationships in Cairo for a friend who wants to make a compilation book (no more names for Google in this post. One is really enough; I can't stand the pressure today but maybe someday).

Actually it's not a "maybe", I will write that short story. I have a lot of big plans for the future: write a short story for actual human beings to read, write something new every day, learn more French, get certified for two testing tools at work, get a promotion, apply for Masters programs, get married, read Quran on a daily basis. Maybe not so mundane after all? Listing it all this way makes me feel better about myself and all the more overwhelmed. I love ironies like that. And look, 325 words already; lately it's been hard getting past a single paragraph. Good progress. More tomorrow. Also, longer sentences. Good night.

P.S. While this post was written four hours into Sunday, it still feels like Saturday. This is Saturday's post and my non-existent audience can expect another one later for Sunday.

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