Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Has it been six months already?!

I wouldn't say it feels like just yesterday we were sitting in a café in City Stars with Hany trying to hold my hand for the first time, but it doesn't feel like six months ago either. I guess time passes by quickly when you're 200 kilometers apart. Six months later, in the same spot where things started to unravel and while your boyfriend is an hour late, is a perfect time and place to start reflecting. (AIESEC terminology.)

The first thing Farah (my best friend since high school who is NOT in AIESEC, surprisingly enough) told me when I said I liked a boy from Alexandria was that it was perfect because I've always needed my space when it comes to boyfriends. I thought so too. But I was wrong. She was wrong. We were all wrong. I'll even admit, there have been some frantic phone calls consisting of, "how come you don't call me every two seconds, don't you love me?!" And if you know me at all, you'll know that sounds nothing like me.

The truth is, long distance is hard. People will say it doesn't count as long distance if you're in the same country and just a two hour train ride apart. Fuck that, this is a long distance relationship and it is hard. But six months is a good sign of just how much we were able to hang in there. And sure, there are still those frantic phone calls and random fights. But I'd say we're just about learning how to perfect it. And we still have a long way to go.

1 comment:

monamahfouz said...

oh so i am not alone? you have those sort of phonecalls too hehehe