Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Sunday, September 30, 2007

We have Members Now

Time management and procrastination don't work well together. If anyone has ever told you that they're a procrastinator that somehow miraculously can get the work done, that person lied. Maybe that's the toughest thing about AIESEC. Forget team management and leadership and exchange and facilitating national and international conferences. I'm still trying to figure out how in the world I will be able to maintain my GPA this semester. I'm wondering if it's possible for me to still have friends by the end of my term.

I won't lie. 95% of the time I wished I could quite. 95% of the time I felt like I was wasting my time. Ninety five percent of the time I think it used to be more fun as a member. But then there are days like yesterday. Yesterday was our first meeting with the members. It was long and exhausting and I almost died by the end of the day. But still it was amazing. The spirit in that room (RARE 203) was so high and so motivating. And the response we got, oh my God!

I have an assignment due tomorrow that I'm no where near done working on. So I guess it's another night of little or no sleep. I guess I've gotten used to it. I have AIESEC meetings everyday for the rest of the week and I'm matching a TN form. (If you don't know AIESEC you won't know what that means, but it takes up a lot of time.) But still, I'm enthusiastic. I'm motivated. I'm that other 5%. We have members. And they like AIESEC dances. It's going to be a good year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how r the memberS?!if they like aiesec dances, then tehy rthe best! :P lol..
hpe this yr goes well :D