Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Hate my Thesis Group

I don't particularly hate the individuals in my thesis group (although I must in all honesty say that there are certain individual(s) in my thesis group that I severely hate). I hate the fact that I woke up at 8:30 this morning only to be the first and only one in the lab for just about an hour. I hate the fact that I've been here for three and a half hours and nothing productive has come out of it. But what I hate the most is how a certain individual in my thesis group seems to think she is doing the greatest job in the world.

Communication is a bitch. It always seems to be me and a certain other individual against the remaining two individuals in my thesis group. Every time we fight it's always two against two. But the worst thing ever is that I know that we're going to be stuck in this mess all the way until December. It's hard for me to try to have a great senior project with all this. It's like everything they teach you in AIESEC. About the importance of interpersonal competencies and team building. Performance appraisals and flush sessions. But I can't just step into lab 611 and say, "Hey, let's define clear job descriptions for each member and review them monthly while doing goal setting." Although I know that would work a lot better than the situation we're in now.

It's frustrating because I want to have a good thesis. I want to make my parents proud of me. I want to create a kick ass mobile application. And I want to have fun doing it, but I've already given up on that far-fetched dream. So instead I'm just counting down. To graduation. But it's more like I'm counting down till I don't have to see these people anymore. Eight more months.

1 comment:

Nora said...

I feel the same way a lot of the time... I use a lot of the crap I learned in AIESEC in my daily life..
I know that how we went about doing projects, yearly planning, LC meetings, and conferences really does kick ass. Much better than a lot of the ways things are done nowadays...
Hopefully with time your thesis group will find a work harmony. Keep in mind that you will create a kick ass mobile application and that your parents will be proud. Don't ever let yourself give up on that. The minute you give up on the iea in your head is the minute that you make it impossible to achieve!
Good luck... and I know you will kick ass!