Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Monday, April 7, 2008

Things I Need to Have in my Life in Order to Sustain a Relationship

1. Someone who loves me deeply and unconditionally
2. Someone who respects my opinion
3. Someone who thinks I am smart and worth listening to
4. Someone who knows how to treat a girl
5. Someone who doesn't have a bad temper
6. Someone who is thoughtful and sweet
7. Someone who wants to spend a lot of time with me or on me
8. Someone who respects my boundaries
9. Someone my mother would love
10. Someone who doesn't take me for granted
11. Someone who doesn't make me cry
12. Someone who can make me stop crying
13. Someone that can give me my freedom
14. Someone that understands me
15. Someone who doesn't necessarily believe what I believe in, but can accept that we believe in different things
16. Someone ambitious
17. Someone that can admit they are wrong
18. Someone that can put me over their pride
19. Someone who never yells at me
20. Someone who values me
21. Someone who doesn't give up on me
22. Someone who is willing to fight for me

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