Song of the Day:

12:51 by The Strokes

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Let Me Rephrase

I reprehend myself for my own naïveté for believing that the only people who could read my blog are the people I give the URL out too. I also reprehend myself for touching up on politics (when I am only trying to vent to myself) because as I know, it always gets me in trouble.

I live in a third world, developing country. I have been living in a third world developing country since I was seven. The fact that it is a developing country isn't news to me. The fact that my country is stricken with poverty isn't news to me either. The fact that the economy's GDP has been steadily rising over the past few years and the fact that this still hasn't helped out much to raise the standard of living in my country still isn't news to me. It's true, I'm educated, I like to keep up with the news in my country, and I am somewhat biased towards a certain perspective. I believe that reform is something that can and will happen but that it is also gradual.

So when the rest of the educated civilians do what they do best—blame the government and futilely pity their situation—it makes me sad how childish and idle they are. And I take it personally when people backlash against my family. Is this honestly the voice of our nation? That we either remain apathetic or resort to anarchy? Now when has that been something that worked well?

I'm not saying that if this guy is rich he shouldn't complain. I'm saying that if he is rich and he wants to complain about something, he should educate himself about it, he shouldn't generalize or follow stereotypes, and he should get up and do something about it. An organized strike isn't going to solve anything. Neither is complaining to a classroom filled with seven other people.

I deal with shit like this every so often and I try not to let it get to me. But it feels completely disrespectful when people start making assumptions and accusations against people to their faces without knowing it or knowing them. It is offensive because it is wrong and if people would just look a bit further, they would realize that but they don't.

I know I can never understand what a lot of people are going through and I know just how blessed I am to have been brought up with everything I have. But that still doesn't justify other people's actions, and it doesn't give any credibility to their accusations. These people also do not know what others have gone through to reach what they have reached and to earn with every ounce of honor and dignity what they have earned. It is wrong to generalize like that.

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